Quito Day 1

I didn’t get up very early since I didn’t get to sleep until almost 4 this morning. Here’s the view outside my window, looking just north of west:

The mountain with the antennae is the volcano named Rucu Pichincha

The ladies at the desk called someone else on the telephone to translate my questions about where to go for coffee, etc. Santiago asked me if I knew Spanish, and of course, I don’t. He was an exchange student in high school in Iowa and speaks excellent English.

He started teaching me on the ride back to the hotel. Always use sunscreen, because even though it may be cloudy, the clouds come and go, we are every close to the Equator, and we are very high up. Always expect the weather to change, rapidly, often. Remember that at about 9000’ elevation, you may have symptoms. Be very, very careful of the traffic. Never drink water from the tap.

Unsure how my body will react to being at this altitude, I decided to not run today, but to walk around and see how I feel. I did have a mild headache when I was ready to go about 11 this morning, but I figured it could be dehydration, lack of caffeine, or possibly altitude-related.

As it turned out, I walked down the 350’ elevation drop (about 35 floors) to the mall and back up, twice today, with no altitude symptoms, except being slightly more out of breath while climbing uphill, if that is possible. So tomorrow I think I will try running around that huge track (see below.)

After pointing the direction I should walk, the ladies also told me to be very careful of the traffic.

I walked 1.2 miles down the street to Mall el Jardin, a very large, well, shopping mall. I had some nice coffee and watched the people. Then I walked around the mall and spent a lot of time in the grocery store there looking at all kinds of fruits and vegetables that I have no idea what they might be.

I had lunch in a nice Italian restaurant in the mall, and then went for a walk around the park across the street - La Carolina Parque Metropolitano. The park is huge. There is an 800 meter track there. Here are some photos.

just a weird looking building. It says “pablo picasso” on the front of it



These two are of the Parque Central hotel. Not the one in Manhattan where I’ve stayed several times. Must be a sibling.

This is part of a huge skateboard course in the park






I am pretty sure this is an 800 meter track.

one lane each for running, walking, biking, and one for drinking Gatorade

I call this tree art - an alligator for the kids to sit on

Part of a huge mountain bike course in the park. This must be the finish line - “salad” means “exit”




Tomorrow is Founder’s Day here - and everyone is partying. Good timing on my part!

Read about Founder’s Day.

There were lots of buses and trucks driving around the city. Reading the above link, I learned these are called Chivas. I think the real day is tomorrow, but the celebration has certainly begun.

After finding this out, I showered quickly and walked back down to the mall to buy appropriate party items, then back to my hotel, getting back after dark.


appropriate items

Today’s ramble, or, part of it:

Screenshot 2014-12-06 12.37.36

The red pin is where my hotel is.
The green pin is where the mall is.